Irlam Primary School


    1. News
    2. Advent!


    4 December 2017 (by admin)

    Irlam and Cadishead Foodbank

    We all like to treat ourselves at Christmas; however , imagine if your money didn't even stretch to buying chocolate for your family. This is where Irlam and Cadishead Foodbank can help. The Foodbank opens its doors for those with vouchers on Tuesday and this much needed service will provide the necessities as well as few little extras to those who really need it. This is where you come in! We have been overwhelmed by your generosity at the Christmas Fair this week; however, if you can stretch to sending in some chocolate with your child we will make sure it gets to the Foodbank. Each week we will let you know what the Foodbank is short of and if you can help then it will be hugely appreciated.