Irlam Primary School


  1. Year 1 27/01 - 02/02

Year 1 Home Learning for Wednesday 27/01 - Tuesday 02/02

Where there is a Powerpoint Presentation or mention of a worksheet, these can be accessed by scrolling down to the relevant subject. Where there are links to other websites, these can be accessed by clicking on the link on the timetable ONCE YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED IT. The timetable will also be sent out via email. You also have your workbooks and access to Numbots /Reading Planet! If accessing the site from a phone, please check the dates on the work as the order can sometimes change. You can click here to watch an assembly each day. You can click here to go to the P.E activity page.

Zoom Online Meeting – Tuesday at 11.00am.  This is a chance to find out about the work planned for that week and have a catch-up with your teachers.  If you have any news or any work that you’d like to share then please have it ready! 

Zoom Drop-in – Thursday at 10.00am.  This is a chance for parents or children to drop in, have a chat and ask any questions about this week's work. 

Here are some additional activties

The National Marine Aquarium is hosting 'Mermaid Tales' each Friday at 1.30pm...Marina the Mermaid will read a short story. Go to and look in the home-learning section.

Internet Safety:

As we are going online and using the Internet so much it's really important to be very sensible and careful whilst doing so...Listen to the children talking about what we can trust on the Internet:  Then watch the film of Lee and Kim: 

Can you be a Super Protector too?


Wednesday 27/01 and Thursday 28/01

 Rainbow to 10Download
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Friday 29/01

Question 1 Monday 01/02

Question 2, 3 and 4 Tuesday 02/02


Wednesday 27/01

Thursday 28/01

Friday 29/01

Monday 01/02

Tuesday 02/02

Log in to Oxford Owls:

Search for and read Flood and then Zoom Food.  If you complete those then try Diggers.


Challenge:  Read Plants for Dinner. 

This focuses on lots of the sounds that you have learned over the past few weeks.

English - Writing 


Wednesday 27/01

Read each of the four jumbled Sentences (resources) from the story.  Try to put them into the correct order. 

Challenge:  Use the sheet provided that has the sentence starters on it (First, Then, Next, Finally) to copy the sentences in your neatest handwriting.

 Jumbled Sentences.docxDownload
 Sentence Starters.docxDownload
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Thursday 28/01

Try to retell the story yourself, maybe to somebody in your house.

Now you are going to rewrite the sentences like yesterday, retelling the story - but this time try to write your own sentences in your own words - No copying!  Remember to start each sentence with either First, Next, Then and Finally.

Friday 29/01

Listen to the story first!

Mrs Musgrove shows us how to write questions!

After listening to the story, look at the question words (resources).  Watch Mrs Musgrove give examples of how to write a question sentence.  Your task is to try to write one or two of your own question sentences for the story that you have listened to today and use question marks at the end of each sentence.

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Monday 01/02

Now think about the question words that you used yesterday.  See if you can make your own questions for Chicken Licken.  Don't forget to use question marks!


Tuesday 02/02

See timetable for today's lesson!

Afternoon lessons - 

Science -Wednesday 27/01

 Animal-Groups-Warm Up Activity.pdfDownload
 Animal Fact Cards.pdfDownload
 Animal Diets Sorting Activity Sheet.pdfDownload
 Animal Diets eBook Print Out.pdfDownload
 Animal Diet Photo Cards.pdfDownload
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PSHE - Tuesday 02/02

Geography - Thursday 28/01

 Observing My Home.docxDownload
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R.E - Monday 1st February

P.E. Challenges - Have a go at one of these each day, they can be done in any order!