Irlam Primary School


  1. Year 3 - 22/02 - 26/02

Year 3 - Home Learning for 22/02 - 26/02 


ONCE YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED THE TIMETABLE, videos and activities can be accessed by clicking on the links. All resources, worksheets and recorded lessons can be found by scrolling down the page. You also have access to Reading Planet, Numbots, TimesTable Rockstars and your workbooks. If you need any sheets printing, these can be collected from the office.

If asked to complete a Twinkl Go activity, click here and enter the pin provided.

Monday 22/02 Worksheets and Activities


Basic Skills- , enter the PIN JA2304. This will take you to a mental maths game- how many can you get?

Main Lesson- Consolidate 2, 4 and 8 times tables

Watch the video and complete the sheet!


Writing- Watch ‘The Shirt Machine’ on The Literacy Shed.


Write a five sentence summary of the film- What is it about? What are the 5 key points of the story?

Design and Technology

Watch the video above about The Wright Brothers who made the first flight. Imagine that you are one of the brothers and you are carrying out the experiments of flight before anyone else has ever done it!

Research how to make different paper airplanes online and the choose 2 to make. (Here is a video for 5 different ones but you can find your own!)

Follow the instructions on the sheet and fill it out as you go!

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Tuesday  23/02  Worksheets and Activities


Basic Skills- , enter the PIN JA2304. This will take you to a mental maths game- how many can you get?

Main Lesson- Comparing Statements

Watch the video and complete the sheet!


Writing - Watch the Shirt Machine’ film again up to 1 minute 37 seconds.

The girl lists many parts that her uncle uses to make his machine There is a list in the folder to help you. Choose 5 parts (try to choose ones you don’t know what they mean), use a dictionary (an online one will do if you don’t have a real one) and write the definition- include whether it is a noun, verb or adjective.

Then, write them into sentences

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Wednesday 24/02  Worksheets and Activities


Basic Skills- , enter the PIN JA6158.This will take you to a 2D shapes game! How many can you get?

 Main Lesson- Related Calculations

Watch the video and complete the sheet!


Writing- Watch the video lesson above on using commas in lists. For more information watch

Using the list of the parts of The Shirt Machine (as well as a variety of sentence starters), write down all of the parts using the commas and the conjunction ‘and’ in each sentence. You can only list up to 5 items per sentence!


Thursday 25/02 Worksheets and Activities


Basic Skills- , enter the PIN JA6158. This will take you to a 2D shapes game! How many can you get?

Main Lesson- Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit (no exchange)

This is an activity video so pause the video when you are told to and have a go at the problems.


Writing- Watch the Shirt Machine one more time. The girl tells us of lots of designs her uncle makes.

Today, I want you to choose your favourite from the story, imagine that you really have it and write me a short story of what you would do, where you would go and what would happen to you if you had that shirt for real!


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Friday 26/02 Worksheets and Activities


Basic Skills- , enter the PIN JA2304. This will take you to a mental maths game- how many can you get?

Main Lesson-Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit (1)

Watch the video and complete the sheet!


Writing- Today, I want you to invent your own shirt for the girl’s uncle to make.

 Draw a picture of your shirt and label it with all the features that the shirt has. Think about what your shirt might need to do the job it is designed for (if it has lights, it will need a battery for example).


Watch the video about designing and manufacturing different types of bikes.

 Using whatever media you have at home (colouring pencils, just a pencil, paint, salt dough, felt tips etc), design your own bike. Make sure the design fills the page and you show all of the parts that bikes need- wheels, frame, seat, gears, pedals, handlebars, brakes and chain.